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Why You Need Email Marketing | Web Design and Graphic Design Orange County, CA

Why You Need Email Marketing

May 14, 2015 - Email Marketing, Thoughts, Tips - , ,

If you’re of the belief that email, like snail mail, is dead, you might want to rethink. Here are just a few reasons you need email marketing:

Email is Alive

According to the latest data, email is very much alive, and is actually the preferred method of receiving information for 77% of consumers!

Email Marketing Has High ROI

With the average return on investment (ROI) per $1 spent on email marketing being about $44, it might be time you started looking into some nifty email marketing software.

Free Email Marketing Software

Just in case you weren’t quite convinced, we thought we should let you know that there is such a thing as free email marketing software. So long as you don’t mind the email marketing company branding, these are perfect for businesses that are just starting to grow their email lists.

You won’t need to pay for services until your list has grown fairly large, and, by this time, it will probably be time for an upgrade anyway.

Our two cents: Our favorites are MailChimp and Constant Contact.

A Must for Marketers

In the U.S., 73% of marketers considered email marketing a vital component to their overall marketing strategy.

According to marketers, email marketing is here to stay. 67% believe it will increase in importance, or, at the very least, will remain at its current level of importance.

Our two cents: We have noticed a significant increase in clicks, website visits, and call-to-action requests for our clients who employ a consistent email marketing strategy. 

Important Note:

While email marketing may seem like an easy, do-it-yourself task, it’s important to  note that like with all types of marketing, great care must be taken in planning and executing a successful email marketing strategy.

The smallest details such as: when to to send an email to best reach your particular audience, design and layout, subject line, to how frequently to send emails, will all determine whether or not your email is opened, your links are clicked, and more importantly, whether you keep the subscriber.

Remember that each email holds the potential to either retain or lose a subscriber, so make sure your strategy is well crafted and executed.

Email marketing is certainly not the simplest of tasks, and if it’s in the budget, we highly recommend getting yourself a professional for the job.

Let us know if we can help!


Check out the data for yourself in the infographics below.
Importance of Email Marketing Infographic | Website Design, Orange County, CA             Vital Email Marketing | Website Design, Orange County, CA